In the year Matt died, over 70,000 Americans also perished of a drug overdose. That is significantly more lives lost than the total of gun and traffic deaths combined that same year. Think about that! Shouldn't it get more attention?

In 2020, due to the covid shutdowns, we surpassed the unenviable record of overdose deaths, over 93,000 Americans.  Each year since then the death toll increased, over 106,000 in 2021 and nearly 110,000 in 2022.  Let's step up the fight!


> 3  million

Affected Families

3 million

Opiate Deaths

164 per day



When You Don't Talk About It

We all suffer. If we were not willing, how can we ever overcome the stigma of addiction?

I remember approaching a neighbor at the supermarket who I knew had a son with a heroin problem. I approached her hoping to help one another sharing resources for our children. I told her I was Matt's mom and asked about her son. She replied, "Oh yes, Scott left for boarding school last week."   That was all.

Nobody learns when nobody talks.

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