You have made great progress on the road to Recovery, now the healing and the Greater Than 28 day journey can begin.
The Greater Than 28 Scholarship allows you to redirect your life. We have identified 23 careers that allow you to start and run your own business. We will choose 2 applicants a month and fund that training.
You must be and stay in an accredited Outpatient Program for the duration of your schooling, these two factors go “hand in hand.”
We want to "move the needle" of your Recovery journey to something you can be proud to say you accomplished.
One last word. These Greater Than 28 Scholarships come from families like mine, in honor of a loved one who they likely have lost or generous concerned individuals. Applying for these scholarships adds some responsibility to your Recovery because you now have a family cheering you on and AMERICAN BOY behind you. Think it through. Make sure you are ready.
Make us proud!